Arcbound Update #22

The Authentic Self, A $25,000 Check, and the FitCEO


Finding belonging with yourself.

Carl Casper is stuck.

After a series of events involving a mediocre menu, a traditional restaurant owner, and a harsh food critic, Carl quits his job as head chef of Gauloises in Los Angeles, leaving him unemployed and battling the notifications from the viral video of his public meltdown. On a whim and a prayer, Carl packs a suitcase and joins his ex-wife and their son, Percy, on a trip to Miami, where everything changes.

In Miami, Carl acquires an old food truck, which he cleans out with Percy. He teaches the boy about what it means to be a great chef and reignites his own passion for cooking. When his former Gauloises sous chef shows up to help, Carl decides to bring Percy along on the drive back to Los Angeles, stopping in New Orleans and Austin to eat local cuisine and share their menu with the foodies in the area. It’s Percy’s social media savvy that brings hundreds of people to the food truck each day, and by the time they arrive back in LA, Carl has renewed his love for cooking, improved his relationship with his son, and found himself again.

Carl's search for himself might be a tale we've heard before, but it never gets old. And even the story of a fictional character like Carl Casper—portrayed by Jon Favreau in 2014's Chef—can inspire people to go on their own journey.

What Carl discovers—what so many of us discover in life-changing situations—is that in order to make a difference in others’ lives, you have to understand yourself first.

At Arcbound, we often have people come to us because they don’t know how to express themselves or share their true north. These are some of the smartest global leaders, yet they are afraid to put themselves out there. We like to talk about this through the lens of “belonging.”

When you feel a sense of belonging, it’s because you feel secure and supported by the community around you. But it isn’t just about being supported by a community—it’s also about being comfortable with yourself and not needing external validation from the crowd. When you belong to yourself, that comes from an internal place where you aren’t worrying about what others think.

But how can you accept yourself for who you are if you don’t know who you are?

We build arcs with people to help them find their authentic selves. For Carl Casper, it took unemployment and a bad viral moment for him to pursue his authentic self. We want to help you get there before you’ve reached the breaking point so that you can create a path that is authentic to how you want to show up in the world.

If you understand who you are and what guides your arc, you find belonging within yourself. That belonging allows you to connect with other people and create a path they can follow to find their own way. Belonging to yourself means you can belong to others as well.

We can’t guarantee that your arc will be smooth. If living out your authentic self was easy, everyone would do it.

But we can guarantee that once you’re on your arc—once you understand how you belong to yourself and others—your relationships with yourself and the people around you will be the best they’ve ever been.


Erik Huberman, is the founder and CEO of Hawke Media and is known as Your Outsourced CMO®. Erik is a well-known writer and thought leader in the marketing and e-commerce spaces, and is an engaging public speaker and storyteller. He joined Bryan Wish on The One Away Show to share about the moment when he realized the value of his expertise and finally began valuing himself and his services higher.


Debunking Personal Brand Myths

You’re thinking about building a brand, but something is holding you back.

Maybe you worry that others will think you’re bragging, or that you’re not famous enough. Or worse, that you don’t actually have anything to say.

The reality is, if you’re thinking about building a personal brand, chances are you have value to add to the conversation. But even if you don’t know exactly what you want to say, that doesn’t mean you can’t have a personal brand.

The reason personal brand strategists exist is to help people become clear about what they want to say—and what they hope to accomplish.

It’s intense work, and you often won’t be able to do it by yourself (it’s hard to see the forest for the trees). Leading authors, CEOs, investors, and more come to us to think about their arc, but first, we have to understand what is behind them to plot what is right ahead of them.

You need someone to guide you so you can identify all that you haven’t seen before, including exactly what you want.

Not to brag or anything 😉, but we can help with that.

Want to get started on building a personal brand? Connect With Us Here.


Bill Mitchell, founding partner of Cruser, Mitchell, Novitz, Sanchez, Gaston & Zimet, LLP, joins Tanner Jones, host of the LAWsome Podcast and Vice President of Business Development at Consultwebs, on a recent episode of the LAWsome Podcast to discuss how early evaluation and negotiation can help close cases. Bill has over 30 years of experience as a “dealmaker” and litigation management expert.

On the LAWsome Podcast, Bill shares his insights on effectively closing cases, addresses important questions about hiring lawyers, and talks about measuring success through objective metrics.


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FitCEO: Be the Leader of Your Life by Rebecca Macieira-Kaufmann and Lillian So

We get it: you’re busy. Whether you’re acting as the CEO of a company, a family, or a career, it’s easy to make excuses for why you don’t have time to focus on your health. But getting fit doesn’t have to be another chore added to your already packed schedule.

In this smart, snappy book, former Citigroup executive and CEO consultant Rebecca Macieira-Kaufmann teams up with personal trainer and life coach Lillian So to introduce simple, fun habits for total health and well-being. Short, down-to-earth stories from Macieira-Kaufmann’s life and lauded career show you how staying healthy as an in-demand CEO is not only possible but can feel almost effortless—with the right strategies. So’s simple and practical exercises will have you making changes to your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health right away.

This isn’t about layering on another demanding routine onto your already ambitious schedule. Instead, it’s about learning how to manageably introduce simple, easy, fun habits for total fitness that will not only transform your body, but also your life. It’s about being the boss of the most important job you have—the boss of you.

Love yourself first and everything else falls into place. You really have to love yourself to get anything done in this world.

Lucille Ball
Thanks for letting us play a role in launching your arc.